In progress

Vitebsk interchange of the WHSD

About Project02

  • Implementation timeline


  • Place

    Saint Petersburg

  • Roles of LLC PMCC

    Technical Customer

Project Characteristics

The 2.6 km long interchange involves six driving lanes with an estimated speed of up to 110 km / h and a traffic capacity of up to 70 thousand vehicles per day. Creation of the Vitebsk interchange will significantly improve accessibility of the WHSD for the residents of nearby areas of the city, reducing the load on the existing interchange of the Western High-Speed Diameter with Blagodatnaya Street and the adjacent road network. In the future, the Vitebsk interchange will connect the WHSD with the planned construction of the Latitudinal Highway (LH), which will ensure the continuity of the route in the direction of the eastern regions of Saint Petersburg, and subsequently the Leningrad Region.